Undetected is a New Stealth Game With Serious Metal Gear Solid Vibes

The stealth game genre has evolved over the last few decades, tasking players with taking a calculated and cautious approach instead of going in guns blazing, like in most action games. This genre of gaming wouldn't have been possible without 1998's Metal Gear Solid, developed by gaming icon Hideo Kojima. Franchises like Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Deux Ex, Dishonored, and more would end up taking inspiration in some shape or form from this legendary game. One such game is Undetected, a game that embraces Metal Gear Solid's aesthetic and gameplay.

Undetected is a new stealth action game from indie game developer Antonio Freyre and his company Merlino Games, with DigeratiDM taking on the game's publishing duties. Merlino Games recently released a trailer for Undetected, where many fans can easily see how the game is a giant love letter to the original Metal Gear Solid. Much like its inspiration, Undetected will have all the elements that made the original Metal Gear Solid a beloved game, from the retro-styled graphics to how it plays.

Undetected utilizes Metal Gear Solid's unique viewpoint, where the player has a top-down perspective of the action, navigating their player character around a base that pays homage to areas like Shadow Moses Island. Players will have to navigate the various halls and corridors that this game has to offer, avoiding guards that are patrolling the area. There will be some enemies where the player will be forced to fight, with zany boss encounters that wouldn't be out of place from the Metal Gear franchise.

A variety of Metal Gear Solid-inspired items such as rubber bullets and explosives will be at a player's disposal, with no lethal weapons being available. Players are also tasked with rescuing members of their revolutionary group, Los Desplazados. Saving these members will grant them benefits such as boosts to their overall health or key cards to access certain areas.

Other elements from Metal Gear Solid that Undetected implements is the usage of sound and how it affects a player's stealth. Footsteps, items, surfaces, and weapons all will emit sound, giving players the option to either stay as silent as possible or use sound in a tactical way to move enemies away. The game will also feature a variety of difficulty modes, with one even being able to wipe the player's save file if an alert is triggered. Many fans are already praising the game, with many excited at how Undetected captures the look and feeling of Metal Gear Solid's PS1 debut.

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